Fresh details of the Chasi, Gata feud emerge

by | Aug 15, 2020 | Local News | 0 comments

Tendai Ziso

Fresh details of the feud between the former Minister of Energy and Power Development, Advocate Fortune Chasi and the former board Chairperson of ZESA Holdings Dr Sydney Gata have emerged, with information saying their row started when the latter stood in the way of the former on the Mutare Peaking Plant deal that Chasi was fronting.

Highly placed sources who spoke to this publication said the US$100 million dollar deal that was recently abandoned by ZESA for being too costly created the feud between the two leaders. The project was supposed to be implemented by Helcraw Electrical, a company reportedly owned by Farai Jere who sources alleged that he won the tender through bribery.

“Farai Jere has been winning a number of ZESA tenders through bribing officials at ZESA, the Ministry of Energy, the Office of the President and SPB. He has a number of people on his payroll to ensure his deals succeed. The Mutare peaking plant is just one of the projects where Jere was corruptly awarded the tender,”

“Minister Chasi was bribed for the deal to go through. At one point Jere was heard complaining that Chasi’s wife is putting him under pressure to pay the US#$150k that he had promised to pay Minister Fortune Chasi. He ended up paying US$50k and promised to pay the balance later. He was complaining that he doesn’t see the role of Minister Chasi because he is not operational. Chasi pushed for the Mutare peaking plant deal to be approved by Cabinet and was only stopped by President Mnangagwa after the then Interim ZESA Board raised a red flag,” said the source who spoke on condition of anonymity.

After the deal failed to go through, Jere is said to have connived with Chasi to sue ZESA for breach of contract through his lawyers, Dube Manikai and Hwacha (DMH), where he is claiming a figure around US$22million. The latter was promised to be paid a significant amount of money if the former wins the case.

Reports allege that Chasi worked with ZESA Company Secretary Mr Saidi Sangula to ensure ZESA does not put much effort in opposing the Jere case so that he succeeds, but the plan hit a snag after Gata suspended Sangula.

“That is the reason why Chasi was bitter that Dr. Gata suspended Sangula. With Sangula not at work the prospects of Jere winning the case are slim. As a result Chasi pushed to have Gata suspended so that he can bring back Sangula and push their deal,” the said the source.

Last week, Dr Gata was suspended by President Mnangagwa after defying the marching orders he received from Advocate Chasi. But yesterday, the President made a shocking move when he announced the suspension of Advocate Chasi who he seemed to have sided with in this battle.

The dramatic move drew comments from a lot of citizens and public figures.

Writting on his twitter account, the former Minister of Information Professor Jonathan alleged that Gata is related to President Mnangagwa, implying that Chasi’s dismisal was immenent the moment he picked a fight with him.

“There’s a more fundamental bond between Gata and Mnangagwa. Gata’s son is married to one of three sisters that Mnangagwa treats as his own daughters,” Professor Moyo said.

“Gata has deep personal links with Mnangagwa. Gata’s #Zesa appointment was by presidential order. When @fortunechasi suspended Gata, he had to go & he’s gone!,” he said.

Other rumours are saying his dismisal has something to do with him stricking a deal with Glencore Industries who own Total to improve the country’s fuel situation.

The deal was going to break the monopoly of Businessman Kudakwashe Tagwirei who influenced the country’s leadership to fire him.

Efforts to get a comment from Minister Chasi were fruitless as his phone was not available by the time of publishing.


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