National Hero Joshua Teke Malinga laid to rest

by | Sep 15, 2023 | Local News | 0 comments

Vongai Masuka

Zimbabwe National Hero Joshua Teke Malinga was laid to rest at the National Heroes Acre today amidst thousands of citizens who had gathered at the ceremony to pay their last respects.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was the chief moaner at the burial ceremony hailed the late Malinga by describing him as a person who was a force to reckon with in both the ruling party, ZANU PF and in the government on disability, inclusivity and broad based empowerment.

In his speech , the President stated the late hero’s role in the struggle for our Independence will forever be cherished.

“We will forever cherish the role he played in the struggle for our Independence and towards the development of our nation by championing the cause of special interest groups in public policy and inclusive national development,” President Mnangagwa said.

He also said that the late Joshua Malinga’s life represented selflessness and sacrifice,
“His life personifies selflessness, sacrifice and putting one’s country above all else,” he said.
His Excellency also admired the Hero’s strength as he managed to fight the liberation struggle despite having suffered the ravages of polio at the age of two.

“The struggle to liberate Zimbabwe was not a walk in the park as the racist Rhodesian regime brutalised the black majority to preserve preserve their dominance.
“Democracy did not come cheaply as many of our comrades lost lives and limbs in the gruelling struggle for our Independence,” he said.

The President took time to condemned acts of chaos as he stated that he will not tolerate such behavior,
“Others will continue to create chaos in our country so that they can loot our resources. As a sovereign nation, we will not allow interference in our internal affairs.

“Nyika inovakwa , igotongwa, igonamatirwa nevene vayo, fairly translated to (the Nation’s owners will build it up, rule it and pray for it.”
The President Mnangagwa urged the nation to learn from the life of the late comrade Malinga as he went through, which includes having to live with a disability from thirteen years of age but still soldiered on with his life.

“I urge us as a nation to take a leaf from the illustrious life of the late cde Malinga. Let us all uphold the value of honest and hard work, patriotism, integrity and loyalty to our country.
“Further, I challenge persons with disability in particular and the nation at large to never allow yourselves to be objects of charity and sympathy. We are all ‘differently abled’. He said.
The late hero, who passed on at age 79 on the 8th of September in Bulawayo following a brave fight against cancer, had graduated with degrees in Accounting as well as Disability, Psychology and Development Studies. He also contributed to the body of knowledge through various publications relating to disability and development.


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