Bindura Mayor arrested on Fraud Charges

by | Sep 25, 2023 | Local News | 0 comments

Ashley Masakadza

The Zimbabwe Republic Police have arrested the Mayor for Bindura Town Council Jacob Gwature and his accomplice, Jonathan Kapasi for fraud involving over $US6000 dollars.

In a statement, the police said the Citizens Coalition for Change Councillor failed to provide a service which he was paid to do.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms the arrest of Bindura Town Councillor Mayor Jacob Gwature (39) and his accomplice Jonathan Kapasi (49) in connection with a fraud case where Kitchen Tables Charities Trust based in the United Kingdom, lost 5000 British pounds which is equivalent to USD$6970.

“Kitchen Tables Charities Trust engaged the suspects in January 2021 through the purpoted company, Pamhodzi Rainbow Network in Zimbabwe to drill a borehole and install a solar system to power the borehole at stand number 1305 Budiriro 1,Harare. Misheck Mlambo (38) representing Kitchen Tables Charities Trust deposited the money in the suspects’ local bank account.”

“The suspects later withdrew the money and did not drill the borehole as per agreement,” reads the statement.

After the complain was made, the suspects appeared in court and have since been remanded in prison until the next court procession which will be held on 26 September.


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