Schoolhead, Deputy and Bursar nabbed for misusing funds

by | Sep 20, 2024 | Crime & Court | 0 comments

Vongai Masuka

The Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission (ZACC) has arrested three school officials, the Headmaster, his Deputy and Bursar of Courtney Selous Primary School on charges of criminal abuse of duty as public officers.

The Headmaster, Ian Simbarashe Tsuro, his deputy, Crispen Manjoro, and Bursar, Pepukai Sanangurai, are accused of colluding to embezzle USD$67,108 from the school’s funds through underbanking between January 2023 and May 2024.

“Allegations against the trio are that between January 2023 and May 2024,they connived to steal school funds amounting to USD67 108.00 by under banking,” a report from ZACC reads.

The trio’s alleged actions has striked debate on the accountability and transparency of school officials in managing public funds.The accused were entrusted with ensuring the safety of the school’s financial resources utilized for the benefit of students and the educational institution as a whole.

They are set to appear before the Harare Magistrate Court today.


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