Zimbabwe Lockdown: Is ZRP ready to enforce another extension?

by | May 1, 2020 | Local News | 0 comments

Ari Goldstein

Zimbabwe is almost completing the 14 day lockdown extension which was set by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to slow down the spreading of Covid 19 in the country. But with the increasing number of new infections, the country is likely to see another extension being put into effect.

Zimbabwe has recorded forty cases and four deaths from 8 314 tests since the lockdown was introduced. President Mnangagwa has given hints that he may decide to extend the lockdown to save lives.  But will the police be ready to enforce another extension?

In Harare, the security forces are mainly concentrating on preventing people from getting into the Central Business District but people are moving freely in residential areas with no enforcement agents to ensure that people are maintaining social distancing and making use of Covid 19 preventive measures in their social interactions.

The majority of shopping areas have been turned into drinking spots while some companies that were granted the privileges to operate are issuing out out letters to their colleagues and this has resulted in an increased flow of traffic in the CBD.

If the situation is not addressed, the pandemic will continue to spread even if the lockdown is extended. In an interview with State of the Nation, ZRP spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said although they are waiting for the President to formally announce a way forward, the police are ready to act on the directives given by the country’s leader.

“We are waiting for the President to make a formal announcement on the way forward but we are ready to act on the directives that will be given to us”, he said.

With only two days left for the lockdown to end, the country eagerly waits for President Mnangagwa to announce a way forward.


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