Covid 19: Latest Global Report In Numbers

by | May 3, 2020 | International | 0 comments

Takudzwa Changadeya

Information below is a global situation in numbers according to the World Health Organisation(WHO) latest report on COVID-19.

Numbers in brackets are new cases and deaths reported in the last 24 hours.

Globally 3 267 184 cases(91 977) 229 971 deaths (5799)

Africa 27 973, cases(1310) 1013 deaths(40)

America 1 340 591 cases(48 674) 72 196 deaths(3109)

Eastern Mediterranean 194 991 cases(6406) 7741 deaths (143)

Europe 1 492 024 cases(30 620) 140 586 deaths (2386)

South-East Asia 60 490 cases(3402) 2256 deaths (82)

Western Pacific 150 403 cases(1565) 6166 deaths (39)

In Zimbabwe, the Ministry of Health and Child Care reported on Saturday that: “following an unusual clustering of the six cases reported as positive from Harare, these results were therefore considered interim and hence additional tests have been conducted as part of Laboratory Quality Management System as well as international best methods.”

This, therefore, has caused the number of people infected with COVID-19 to decline from 40 to 34. The number of people in Zimbabwe who died due to the coronavirus still remains at four.


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