Zimbabwe to receive low rainfall during farming season

by | Sep 13, 2023 | Local News | 0 comments

Vongai Masuka

The Zimbabwe National Climate Forum(NACOF) said the country will receive low rainfall during its farming season, and farmers have been advised to make use of irrigation and water conservation methods to boost their yields.

In a statement, NACOF said they have forecasted that most parts of the country will experience normal to below normal rainfall for the period between October this year and March 2024.

NACOF said parts of Matebeleland South province will receive below normal to normal rainfall for the sub-season (October to December).

“For the bulk of Matabeleland North, parts of Midlands covering Gokwe North and South districts, parts of Matabeleland South province covering Bulilima district will receive below normal to normal rainfall for the sub-season October-November-December,”.

“There are increased chances of normal to below normal rainfall for most of the country except the greater part of Matebeleland North, parts of Bulawayo Metropolitan, parts of Midlands and parts of Mashonaland West which have increased chances of below normal to normal rainfall,” the statement reads.

NACOF has encouraged authorities to make use of cloud seeding to curd the erratic rains. However, violent storms and tropical cyclones are to be expected during this period.

“It would be prudent to put in place measures for early cloud seeding programmes in light of the expected erratic rainfall season throughout the country.

“Violent storms, prolonged dry spells, flash floods and tropical cyclones can not be ruled out as the season progresses. There is need to intensify water harvesting and conservation programmes.

” Agricultural activities that include planting and fertilizer application should be guided by a ten day weather forecast as well as advice from agricultural authorities,” reads the statement.


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