Mines to Operate During Lockdown

by | Apr 20, 2020 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

His Excellency President Emmerson Mnangagwa has decided to resume mining operations during the extended two-week lockdwon period to keep the economy running.

During his national address today on Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation(ZBC) concerning the COVD-19 pandemic, His Excellence said the resumed operations should strictly adhere to the measures that were put in place by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to circumvent the spread of the COVID-19.

The Ministry of Health and Child Care has been directed by His Excellency to undertake the
screening and testing practices ahead of the resumed operations in order to ensure the safety of workers.

“The government is acutely aware of the need to keep the economy running all be it at subdued levels.

With this objective in mind, the government has decided to allow the mining sector to resume or scale up operations even then within parameters by the World Health Organisation (WHO) regarding social distancing and other public health safety measures.

“I have now directed the ministries of Health and Child Care and that of Mines and Mining Development to work classily to ensure the workforce in the mining sector is immediately screened and tested ahead of resumed operations, ” he said.

Workers in the mining sector are expected to stay within the vicinity of their working place for the further extended next two weeks of lockdown.

“…I have directed that workers in the mining sector remain within their accommodation at the workplaces during the duration of the lockdown, ” he said.

Meanwhile, he also directed the manufacturing sector to return to their daily operations but adhering to the measures set to curb the spread of that COVID-19.

His Excellency also said that there will be inspections in all resumed operations to ensure full implementation of measures to thwart the spread of the pandemic.

“With respect to the manufacturing sector, I have further directed that limited operations resume in the national interest but mindful of the public health safeguards as already announced.

“Inspectors will be visiting all operations to ensure these safeguards are being strictly adhered to.

“This reprive covers our manufacturers in our informal sectors who have to use these two weeks to rebuild their capacities and stocks, ” he said.

Currently, Zimbabwe has 25 cases, 3 deaths, and 2 recovered.


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