by | Apr 26, 2020 | Local News | 0 comments

Government has decided to delay the opening of schools as authorities are currently rolling out changes to how the academic institutions will operate in view of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Schools were scheduled to open on May 5 but the lockdown extension to 3 May has made the authorities to draft plans to overhaul the learning environment through a raft of changes that include reducing class sizes to enforce social distancing.

The reorientation, necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic, will also involve the provision of protective wear for educators and the regular disinfection of schools.

The government is also mobilizing a budget to procure sanitizers for all schools and new single-student desks.
Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) has provisionally pushed back this year’s June examinations by a month.

The decision was reached by senior Zimsec officials last week to consider the impact of the current coronavirus lockdown on the exams.

However, the exams management body has since completed printing the examination papers.

Zimsec board chair, Professor Eddie Mwenje, said the provisional dates were subject to change depending on the position taken by the Government at the end of the extended lockdown period next week.

Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services


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