MDC Alliance Legislators suspended from Participating in Parliament

by | May 7, 2020 | Local News | 0 comments

Tendai Ziso

MDC Alliance Deputy Chairperson Job Sikhala said the party has suspended its Legislators from participating in parliament and interacting with Zanu PF on all platforms pending consultations with the party’s electorate on the decision of a total withdrawal from parliament.

Speaking at a press conference, Sikhala said the MDC Alliance also relieved Douglas Mwonzora, Morgen Komich, and Elias Mudzuri from their positions and membership in the party for allegedly corporating with Zanu PF and the state.

“The MDC Alliance is the only outfit with the autonomy to lawfully recall and re-deploy its members of parliament who were elected under its ticket. The MDC Alliance has noted that Modern Komichi, Douglas Mwonzora, and Elias Mudzuri have decided to corporate with Zanu Pf and the state and they suspended themselves and are forthwith, relieved of their positions and membership in the party. They are further withdrawn from all positions to which they had been deployed by the party. Replacements have been made and shall be announced in due course,” said Sikhala.

Sikhala revealed that his party will not hold an extraordinary congress as instructed by the Supreme Court ruling, saying that the judgment seeks to extend the mandate of the 2014 structures that have already expired.

“The MDC will not accept the holding of a Zanu Pf organised an extraordinary congress in the MDC. The Supreme Court judgment has endangered illegality by seeking to extend the expired mandate of the 2014 structures which had since expired. The term of office of all 2014 structures expired in October 2019 and the toxic judgment illegally seeks to give a Lazarus moment by seeking to resurrect the expired mandate of the 2014 Mdc T structures,” he said.


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