Goromonzi RDC barred from Demolishing Tuckshops in Domboshava

by | May 19, 2020 | Local News | 0 comments

Tafadzwa Nyikadzino

High court has barred the Goromonzi Rural District Council from demolishing tuckshops and other properties built on peoples homes in Domboshava.

The judgement was passed today after the Domboshava Residents Trust appealed to stop the local authority from conducting the demolitions.

The judgement reads: “In a matter between Domboshava Residents Trust (1st Applicant), Tineyi Munetsi (2nd Applicant) and Tonderayi Murape (3rd Applicant) and Minister of Local Government, Public Works(1st Respondent) and and Goromonzi RDC (2nd Respondent),

“…… It is ordered by consent that: The 2nd respondent be and is hereby barred and interdicted from demolishing any dwelling houses, hardwares, tuckshops, churches and vending stalls or property of any other description belonging to or used by 1st Applicant’s member in ward 4, Murape, Goromonzi West, Domboshava, pursuant to a verbal notice of 13 May 2020 or without following due process of the law. 2 There shall be no order as to costs,”

More to follow..


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