Zupco buses to ferry final year students to campuses

by | Jun 8, 2020 | Local News | 0 comments

UNIVERSITIES across the country have engaged ZUPCO to provide buses to ferry final year students, who are expected to start returning to their campuses today, The Herald reports.

There had been concerns about how students who are scattered across the country will be able to travel across the country since intercity buses are not operating due to the lockdown.

Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development Minister Prof Amon Murwira said they are merely implementing President Mnangagwa’s vision.

“Last year at the National University of Science and Technology graduation, President Mnangagwa said we should see to it that ZUPCO becomes part of the student transportation system. When Covid-19 came we were in the process of finalising it and now that universities are back in operation, we are continuing where we left,” Prof Murwira said.

This created an urgent need for the facility.

ZUPCO acting chief executive Mr Evaristo Madangwa confirmed the arrangement to The Herald yesterday.

“We have a facility where institutions who want their students to be transported across cities, approach us for hiring. We will be servicing all universities as they are returning to functionality,” Mr Madangwa said.

The Herald


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