26 Zanu PF staff members test positive to Covid 19

by | Aug 5, 2020 | Local News | 0 comments

Tendai Ziso

26 Zanu PF staff members have tested positive to Covid 19, the party’s spokesperson Patrick Chinamasa has revealed.

In a statement, Chinamasa said the 26 members tested positive to the virus after the party conducted mandatory tests for all its staff members in line with the World Health Organisation protocols requiring institutions and individuals to be tested.

“Zanu PF directed that its staff members working at the Headquarters be tested for Covid 19. The total number of personnel who underwent mandatory testing on 28 July 2020 is 154. The results have just come out showing that 26 tested positive to Covid 19,”

“Those affected are being informed. Those who have since been informed have been advised to go into self isolation in line with the normal World Health Organisation (WHO) protocols in Covid 19,” reads the statement.

Chinamasa also revealed that the party has advised members who are symptomatic to seek immediate and urgent attention while staff members were told to stay home and allow the fumigation of the party’s headquarters to take place.

Covid 19 cases are on the rise in Zimbabwe, with the latest statistics showing that Zimbabwe has 4 075 confirmed cases.

This has seen various supermarkets, banks and businesses temporarily closing down after staff members contracted the virus.


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