Amai Mnangagwa gets recognition for her charity work at the 78th UN Summit

by | Sep 21, 2023 | Local News | 0 comments

Ashley Masakadza

First Lady Dr. Auxillia Mnangagwa gathered a lot of attention from charity organizations in the USA and fellow first ladies for her efforts to equip women and young people with education for them to be elevated in life through her Angel of Hope foundation.

One such foundation is the Aspire Artemis Foundation (AAF) based in New York which noticed these efforts and has offered a partnership to assist her organisation to make Zimbabwe’s young people educated.

The First Lady had the opportunity to have a meeting with the Founder and Executive Director of AAF Mrs. Hermina Jonny.

“It was amazing just speaking with the first lady of Zimbabwe and the amazing work she is doing on the ground, the lives that she is changing.  I am so honoured to be working with her to bring the STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Culture and Mathematics)program to Zimbabwe, we will be working together and having these conversations in STEAM. I think it’s important as a first lady, a human being to go in and meet with young people and take off all of the titles that she wears to change their lives,” said Mrs Jonny.

Mrs. Hermina Jonny  said Zimbabwe is full of creative people who are waiting for a chance to shine and the partnership will ensure that light is available for young people and women to use.

“Zimbabwe is full of creative people who are waiting for the opportunity for their ideas to have an impact and have world-reaching implications. So, it only made sense for us at the Aspire Artemis Foundation to work with her to continue to amplify her work and take that tremendous change-making ability of this force of a woman all over the world to show that we are all connected we are one people and one human family” she said.

The first lady expressed gratitude for the partnership and said it will help to expand the fruition of her project,

”I love being around people and I’m very happy my sister when we meet as women because concerns obviously are the same and we know deeply how the concerns are affecting humanity. As mothers, we try and lift up those troubled spirits. It can only be done when we have this collaboration. Women are soft power,  we unite people, we come up with solutions. Helping others is in me, philanthropy is in my blood so partnering with your foundation will go a long way,” said Amai Mnangagwa.

The Aspire Artemis Foundation is a charity organization that spearheads the promotion of cultural exchange and holistic educational training opportunities for youths in marginalized communities worldwide. The Angel of Hope Foundation spearheads training of young people, women, the disabled and marginalized communities to acquire life skills that help them conquer life’s unexpected challenges and tribulations

The First Lady is running an ICT project which has seen her open technological hubs at schools in remote and underprivileged areas  to make sure that every child has access to computer skill learning and technical abilities.

This philanthropic partnership will be enunciated by private sector companies such as Microsoft in the technological aspect of the partnership.



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