ZANU PF orders losing candidates to return campaign vehicles

by | Oct 2, 2023 | Local News | 0 comments

Vongai Masuka

ZANU PF has directed its losing candidates to surrender the campaign vehicles to the party headquarters. This directive comes just after the 2023 harmonised elections, where the party retained control of the government.

The party believes this directive is part of efforts to cut costs and streamline operations.

In a statement,  the party’s Secretary for Administration Obert Mpofu said all party vehicles should be returned by 4 October without fail.

“This serves as a directive to all the Zanu PF parliamentary candidates that participated and did not succeed in the just-ended harmonised elections to surrender the party vehicles that were allocated to them to the Zanu PF party headquarters by Wednesday 4 October 2023 without fail,” reads the statement.

The decision made by the ZANU PF leaders follows a circular that was previously made by the Secretary General, Obert Mpofu.

“This is pursuant to the circular that was issued before, followed by a decision made by the party leadership at the Politburo meeting held on 28 September 2023,” wrote Mpofu.

When asked for a comment, ZANU PF Director of Information, Farai Marapira said all decisions made by the ruling party are mandated to benefit the party.

“When the leaders of ZANU PF sit and make decisions, they do so for the benefit of the party and never the benefit of individuals.

“The decision to surrender cars, is also for the benefit of the party and this move is aimed at concurring that politburo members should be more aggressive in campaigning and more focused on winning the election to keep their seats in the office.” He said.

The order comes as a huge blow to losing candidates who had converted the vehicles for personal use.


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