ZETDC Total Electrification Roll Out Program

by | Oct 21, 2023 | Local News | 0 comments

Staff Reporter

Mupamombe housing cooperative scheme located in Ingezi township, South-West of Kadoma 10kms from the CBD started in 2016. It was a project for all civil servants to have affordable acess to accommodation. Every government department is a beneficiary of this project.

They struggled for almost 7 years to get connected due different prevailing circumstances.

Under the Second Republic NDS1. ZETDC Total Electrification Roll Out program, which was launched in January.

Mupamombe was listed amongst the beneficiaries of this project. ZETDC, Kadoma Client Service Center under Northern Region kick started their works on ground in April.

This project is a beneficiary of more than 5000 clients. Up to date 3 by 500kw Sub Stations out 5 has been installed on ground.

As you can see in the pictures the transformers are mounted up on top. As the depot foreman Engineer Clopas Hwami said, “It’s a counter vandalism measure we designed. To avoid vandalism of cables and securing our equipment”.

This project was a major key player towards the recent 2023 Harmonised Elections. Ingezi, Mupamombe is under Muzvezve Constituenciey _(MP Vangelis Haritatos)_ Mhondoro-Ngezi District. This the only place in Kadoma Town where they secured a bamber victory for Zanu PF Presidential votes. Even though they lost their local authority to opposition.


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