Harare ranked among the Least liveable Cities In Africa

by | Nov 8, 2023 | Local News | 0 comments


Vongai Masuka

Zimbabwe’s capital city, Harare, has been ranked among the worst liveable cities in Africa in a report published by Business Insider Africa. The city has received a rating of 36.6, placing it at the lower end of the livability scale.

The rankings, which are based on various factors including infrastructure, healthcare, education and stability, highlights the challenges faced by residents in Harare.

The report paints a grim picture of the city’s living conditions, indicating a decline in several key areas.The working class residents in Harare rely on borehole water.

Infrastructure, a crucial component of a livable city, was cited as a major concern in Harare with a ranking of 35.7. Healthcare services in Harare were also highlighted as a significant issue.

The report noted the lack of adequate medical facilities, limited access to quality healthcare, and shortages of essential medical supplies which got a ranking 12.5. These factors contribute to a challenging environment for residents seeking medical assistance.

The education sector in Harare, ranked with 58.3, is struggling, with insufficient resources and overcrowded classrooms, though it is better than other cities.

Harare’s high crime rate and political instability were cited as factors affecting the overall livability of the city.


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