Putin Arrives in China to Strengthen Strategic Ties with Jinping

by | May 16, 2024 | International | 0 comments

Staff Reporter

Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Beijing on Thursday for talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping, aiming to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries.

This visit, Putin’s first foreign trip since his recent six-year term inauguration, signifies his priorities and emphasizes the strong personal ties between him and Xi.

In an interview with China’s Xinhua news agency, Putin commended Xi for fostering a “strategic partnership” based on shared national interests and strong mutual trust.

“It was unprecedentedly high level of the strategic partnership between our countries that determined my choice of china as the first state that I would visit after taking office as President.

“We will try to establish closer co-operation in the fields of industry and high technology, space and peaceful nuclear energy, artificial intelligence, renewable energy sources a d other innovative sectors,” said President Putin.

The discussions between the leaders and high-ranking officials from both sides, scheduled over tea and dinner, will cover a wide range of topics such as Ukraine, Asia, energy, and trade.
Putin’s visit follows a recent trip to Beijing by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who warned China’s top diplomat Wang Yi against increasing military support for Russia.


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