“The Flue-like outbreak in Zimbabwe is not Covid 19”, says Government

by | May 27, 2024 | Health | 0 comments

Tafadzwa Nyikadzino

The Ministry of Health and Child Care has assured the nation that the flue like illness that has hit the country recently is not Covid 19 or any new virus.

In a statement,  the Permanent Secretary in the Health Ministry Dr Aspect Maunganize said there is no new pandemic in Zimbabwe, as the rising cases of flue are associated with the winter season.

“The Ministry of Health and Child Care would want to reassure the public that the flu-like illnesses seen in the country are due to the common cold. The winter season is associated with increased incidence of common colds and that is what has been seen so far.

“The cases are neither due to Covid-19 or other new viruses. There is no viral pandemic in Zimbabwe. The public is advised to lead healthy lifestyles, take lots of fluids, keep warm and where necessary take over-the-counter common cold remedies,” Dr Maunganidze said.

The nation is currently facing a spike of flue like cases. The latest statistics that were released recently by the Ministry of Health show that 3 636 people in the country  were affected by the illness.

Mashonaland East and Mashonaland West provinces reported the highest number. But no death has been reported so far.


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